Hello!, My name is Nishant.
I am a passionate web developer, primarily focused on Frontend Web Development. I have a good experience with HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React JS, NextJS. I have experience with Restful API's and a bit knowledge on backend with django too.
About Me
A wanna be hacker, ended up being a web developer!. My journey with computer began with the interest of being a hacker. I got to know that to be hacker you should know some programming languages, so, I started grabbing fundamental concepts of coding by learning HTML, CSS and then later python. I have been working on web development since then. By surfing various website, I got fascinated by their amazing designs and tried to replicated them. After digging into the technologies that those websites use I forgot that my goal was to be a hacker xD. Currently, I a, web developer, with experience of JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Next JS. Felt boring? Checkout my skills or may be my works.
My Skills
Git & Github
React JS
- Next JS
Mantine UI
Chakra UI
My Works
News and Stock Market Portal
This project is a closed source project. It is a news portal backed with stock market data which includes data visualization in chart, mostly in tables. Made CRUD operations for News and Advertisement Placeholder. React table and chart js was used for data visualization.
This project is a course containing webapp. This was made to test my skills with react js and next js. I designed this in the figma first and then made some static JSON data for the courses. I used api from nytimes to get some books data.
Portfolio Website
A closed source project made for video grapher. It was a simple and good looking dark themed SPA which had swipers and animation. Swiper JS was used by customizing it and framer motion was used for animating routes.
Open Lottie
Made this project, just to try out some cool looking animations. Learned to use lottie files and handle the events.
Vanilla Form
I wanted to make a form validation without using any libraries. Hopefully, I guess I acheived it.
Tour Management System Admin App
This Admin app was made as a part of my college project where I had to make a tour and travel website.